18 résultats


Effective theories in classical and quantum particle systemsYoung Group Theorists workshop: exploring new connectionsSwissMAP - From Subfactors to Quantum Topology - In memory of Vaughan Jones 2022


Quantum Klimontovich Solutions And The Mean-Field Limit In Quantum Mechanics

Base-two primitive permutation groups

Lattice models arising from non-semisimple TQFT

Facets of Temperley-Lieb algebra

The ADE link conjecture

Braids, Dualities and more subfactors

4-manifolds with boundary and fundamental group Z

On skein theory in dimension four

The cell dispensibility problem for spaces and manifolds

Knot my problem: looking for rigidity in group theory

From Jones relation to representations of Mapping Class Groups

The search for the exotic in Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory

Cars, Interchanges, Traffic Counters, and a Pretty Darned Good Knot Invariant

Skein algebra of a punctured surface - 28.06.2022

Skein modules for generic quantum parameters

Zeta cycles and the scaling site

Ceremony in memory of Vaughan Jones

Planar algebras, noncommutativity and hyperfinite subfactors